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rattle off meaning in Hindi

rattle off sentence in Hindi
जल्दी-जल्दी दुहराना
धड़ल्ले से बोलना
rattle    खनखनाहट खड़खड़
off    से अलग छूट छुट्टी
1.Yes, they told her, and she quickly rattled off the correct spelling.

2.They rattled off ten consecutive wins, blowing their opponents off the field.

3.A guy could get hot and rattle off a couple of wins.

4.Hutchins said, rattling off such names as Joseph Lowery and Al Sharpton.

5.He rattled off three in a row, starting on the 13th hole.

6.Robbie rattles off a litany of what outsiders hate about Los Angeles.

7.Rattling off the Latin names for desert flora comes easily to Joe.

8.Ms . Austin rattled off innumerable possibilities in an array of colors.

9.Wes was rattling off the stage directions as fast as he could.

10.Merlino said, rattling off a litany of failed tourism slogans for Tonapah.

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recite volubly or extravagantly; "He could recite the names of all the chemical elements"
Synonyms: rattle down, reel off, spiel off, roll off,

How to say rattle off in Hindi and what is the meaning of rattle off in Hindi? rattle off Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.